If you have been diagnosed with oral cancer, our dentists may recommend a surgical treatment to remove the cancer and help you begin regaining your health. The goal of surgery is to remove the oral cancer while also preserving your physical appearance and your ability to speak and swallow. General anesthesia is typically used for your procedure to ensure your comfort, and in many cases, oral cancer surgery is performed in a hospital. Recovery times for procedures vary depending on the type of procedure and whether any reconstructive surgery is needed.

Our dentists will work closely with you and your medical physician to determine the extent of your oral cancer and create a treatment plan. We will review all your options with you so that you can make informed decisions regarding your care and can find the type of oral cancer surgery that is right for your needs.

Common types of oral cancer surgery include:

Following your surgical procedure, we will work closely with you to help you recover and return to normal life.

For more information about oral cancer surgery and to schedule a consultation with our dentists, contact our office today.